Child/Youth Protection

In adherence to the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children & Young People, His Excellency Bishop Konderla promulgated the Policies & Procedures for the Protection of Children & Young People (“Policies”) for the Diocese of Tulsa. The 2018 updated Policies represent a comprehensive collection of policies and procedures that supersedes all previous versions. Among other things, it includes: guidelines for teaching self-protection skills to children, how to report an allegation of sexual abuse, updated Child & Youth Protection Requirements, Annual Safe Environment Audit procedures, and a new Code of Ethics.

Policies & Procedures for the Protection of Children & Young People

Políticas y Procedimientos Para la Protección de Niños y Jóvenes

A Quick-Reference Guide: Reporting Procedures for Suspected Abuse or Neglect

La Guía de Referencia Rapida: Procedimiento Para Reportar la Sospecha de Abuso o Negigencia