If you have made an estate gift commitment to Catholic Charities, please complete this form.

Spouse's Name
I/We have named Catholic Charities of Eastern Oklahoma as a beneficiary in one or more of these types of gifts:(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Catholic Charities has my permission to publish my name in the Caritas Christi Society membership list. (If you check “No” your listing will be “Anonymous”.)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Thank you for making this lasting commitment to provide charity to people in need of our compassion. Catholic Charities of Eastern Oklahoma will follow your instructions and will maintain confidentiality regarding the specifics you provide about your gift plan. In order to substantiate your gift intentions, we ask you to provide a letter from your attorney or other professional advisor with copies of supporting documents. If you have any questions, please contact us at (918) 508-7116.
