Offers support and healing to those struggling with the effects of abortion through Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats and the Growin’ on the Vine Support Group. Individual counseling is also available.

Important Information

Abortion can be one of the most traumatic experiences in a person’s life. Feelings of sadness, anxiety, guilt and grief are common, not only for the woman, but for the man involved, for relatives, friends and others.

Catholic Charities recognizes that part of the pain comes from a denied opportunity to grieve the life that was lost. We seek to help individuals make peace with themselves, their children and with God. Guided by a spirit of compassion, we are here to serve as companions on the hope-filled journey of healing.

Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreats provide an opportunity for any person who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of an abortion. This weekend is designed to help bring support, healing and hope and includes discussion, the sacrament of reconciliation, a memorial service and a Mass of resurrection. Participation is strictly confidential and offers a beautiful opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness and compassion. A priest, licensed therapist and supportive team facilitate the retreat. For more information about this retreat for women and men, go to or call (918) 508-7142 or email All inquiries are confidential.

The cost is $125 and scholarships are available. Contact us to discuss.

The fee for the weekend includes overnight lodging on Friday and Saturday, one meal on Friday, three on Saturday, two on Sunday, and snacks on Friday and Saturday.

Because space is limited, advance registration is required. Payment in full is requested at the time of registration. If full payment cannot be made, a non-refundable deposit of at least $50 is needed to reserve your place for the weekend. Financial assistance is available – contact us to discuss. After filling out this registration form, please make your check payable to Catholic Charities and mail to:

Catholic Charities, RV Retreat
PO Box 580460
Tulsa, OK 74158-0460

After your registration and payment is received, you will receive a confirmation letter. Closer to the retreat weekend, you will receive additional information about the retreat, including a list of what items to bring and directions to the retreat location. Please keep the location of the retreat confidential except with family and others who will be supportive.

It is important that you make a commitment to stay at the retreat for the entire weekend. Missing any part of the retreat will interfere with getting the closure you need. Consider this weekend as a gift you are giving to yourself.

Click here to fill out the registration form.

May 16-18, 2025 (English)
June 20-22, 2025 (Spanish)
Sept 5-7, 2025 (Spanish)
Nov 7-9, 2025 (Spanish)

March 6-8 2026 (Spanish)
May 15-17 2026 (English)
June 19-21 2026 (Spanish)

Retreats take place from 5 pm on Friday through 3 pm on Sunday.

For a complete listing of retreat dates and locations call 1-877-HOPE-4-ME or go to

…meeting together with friends from the Vineyard!

A confidential, monthly support group for post-abortion healing and spiritual growth. Both women and men are invited, Catholics and those of other faith experience backgrounds. Guided by Christ, we are companions on the journey of healing. For more information call (918) 508-7142 or email

Please contact our office to discuss details, payment schedule and amount before making payments. 


Click here for our secure online payment form.

Contact Us

You may contact us at (918) 508-7142 or fill out the form below and someone will contact you.

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