Immigration Legal Services Client Survey

Welcome! Thank you for contacting Catholic Charities of Eastern of Oklahoma. This intake form is designed to help us understand your situation better so we can assist you more effectively. Here, you'll provide us with essential information about yourself and your intentions for applying to an immigration benefit. Your answers are private and we will not and cannot share them with the Government or any other person without your permission. If you need assistance for DACA Renewals, Work Permits and Green Card Renewals, please contact our office, do not proceed with this intake.
Welcome! Thank you for contacting Catholic Charities of Eastern of Oklahoma. This intake form is designed to help us understand your situation better so we can assist you more effectively. Here, you'll provide us with essential information about yourself and your intentions for applying to an immigration benefit. Your answers are private and we will not and cannot share them with the Government or any other person without your permission. If you need assistance for DACA Renewals, Work Permits and Green Card Renewals, please contact our office, do not proceed with this intake.
Yes, Spanish interpreterYes, Russian interpreterNo
Just once2 times3 or more times
AirportRoad, port of entryBoatOtherN/A, I am not in U.S.
No, I entered undetectedNo, they let me in without talking or showing papersYes
17. Did you present documents to immigration when you entered the last time? Select all that apply(Required)
No Formal SchoolingElementary SchoolMiddle SchoolHigh SchoolAssociated DegreeCollege / UniverstityMaster / Doctoral DegreeOther
Just meTwoThreeFourFive or more
Ajustment of Status: Legal ResidenceAsylum Application - No Representation in courtFamily Based Petition, Consular ProcessFiancee VisaNaturalizationSIJ VisaT VisaTPSU VisaVAWARemoval of ConditionsGeneral Consultation
18. Who did you entered with the last time you came to the U.S.?(Required)