Posted on August 27, 2024 Posted By: dcrowley Categories: Immigration Legal Services Client Survey Immigration Intake Form - English Version Welcome! Thank you for contacting Catholic Charities of Eastern of Oklahoma. This intake form is designed to help us understand your situation better so we can assist you more effectively. Here, you'll provide us with essential information about the beneficiary and their intentions for applying to an immigration benefit. (Please note, "beneficiary" refers to the noncitizen individual seeking an immigration benefit. For example, if a US Citizen spouse requests a benefit for their foreign national spouse, the foreign national spouse is the "beneficiary".) The answers provided in this form are private and we will not and cannot share them with the Government or any other person without the beneficiary's permission. Welcome! Thank you for contacting Catholic Charities of Eastern of Oklahoma. This intake form is designed to help us understand your situation better so we can assist you more effectively. Here, you'll provide us with essential information about the beneficiary and their intentions for applying to an immigration benefit. (Please note, "beneficiary" refers to the noncitizen individual seeking an immigration benefit. For example, if a US Citizen spouse requests a benefit for their foreign national spouse, the foreign national spouse is the "beneficiary".) The answers provided in this form are private and we will not and cannot share them with the Government or any other person without the beneficiary's permission. Full Legal Name(Required)Date of Birth(Required)Gender(Required)MaleFemaleMarital Status(Required)SingleMarriedDivorcedWidowedCommon-LawSeparatedOtherSpouse’s Name and Last Name, if legally married. If no, type N/A(Required)Cell Phone Number(Required)Address(Required)Email Address. If you don't have an email address, type: N/A(Required)Birth Country(Required)Birth City(Required)Do you need an Interpreter to speak with the Legal Representative?(Required)Yes, Spanish interpreterYes, Russian interpreterNoHave you been a previous client in our Immigration Program?(Required)YesNoHow many times have you come to U.S.?:(Required)Just once2 times3 or more timesI've never been to U.S.When was your first entry into the U.S.? If you don't remember the exact date, give us the best estimate. If you have never come, type N/A(Required)When was your last entry into the U.S.? If you don't remember the exact date, give us the best estimate. If you have never come, type N/A(Required)How did you enter the last time into the U.S.?(Required)AirportRoad, port of entryBoatOtherN/A, I am not in U.S.Did you interact with immigration when you entered the last time?(Required)No, I entered undetectedNo, they let me in without talking or showing papersYesDid you present documents to immigration when you entered the last time? Select all that apply(Required) Valid Passport Valid Visa Valid Proof o f U.S. Residency Other valid identification Any other documents No (or Not Applicable) Highest level of education:(Required)No Formal SchoolingElementary SchoolMiddle SchoolHigh SchoolAssociated DegreeCollege / UniverstityMaster / Doctoral DegreeOtherDo you currently work?(Required)YesNoOtherHow many people live in your household?(Required)Just meTwoThreeFourFive or moreWhat is the household income? and how many people are supported with this income?(Required)Who did you entered with the last time you came to the U.S.?(Required)Have you ever lived in other country beside yours or the U.S.?(Required)YesNoHave you ever been arrested or charged with a criminal offense? If your answer is Yes, please explain(Required)What type of immigration assistance are you seeking from our organization? Select one of the options. if you don't see the best option for you, that means that we don't offer that service.(Required)Ajustment of Status: Legal ResidenceNaturalizationAsylum Application - No Representation in courtSIJ VisaFamily Based PetitionConsular ProcessFiancee VisaT VisaU VisaVAWARemoval of ConditionsGeneral ConsultationHave you ever been required to appear before an Immigration Judge in court (Master or Individual hearing)?(Required)YesNoHave you or has anyone in your family ever applied for a U.S. immigration benefit? Please explain. If the answer is NO, type N/A(Required)How many children do you have?(Required)No kids1234 or moreBased on what type of approval are you seeking the Adjusment of Status (Legal Residence)?(Required)Have you left the country within the last 3 years (U-Visa holders)? For how long? If doesn't apply, type N/A(Required)Do you have a current parole or came using CBP1 app?:(Required)YesNoDo you have citizenship elsewhere?(Required)Have you been scheduled to go to Immigration Court? What is the date of your next hearing? If you have not been scheduled yet, type N/A(Required)Are you afraid to go back to your country? Please explain the reasons. If no, type N/A(Required)Have you applied for asylum before, here or in other country? Explain. If no, type N/A(Required)Have you been the victim of a crime in the US, or are you the spouse, parent or child of a crime victim? Explain.(Required)Have you or someone else in your family ever served in the U.S. military?(Required)YesNoHow many years have you been a Legal permanent Resident or Green Card holder?(Required)Why do you think the child has the opportunity to get a SIJ visa?(Required)Who is responsible for the child? Where are the parents?(Required)Tell us what happened to the child. Do you have evidences?(Required)Did you report the crime to the police (a judge, prosecutor, someone from the government)?(Required)YesNoDo you have the police report? It is a report in a sheet of paper.(Required)YesNoIs there any minor involve in the crime?(Required)YesNoDo you have evidences of the crime?(Required)YesNoHas the crime affected you physically or emotionally? Please explain.(Required)Has there been an investigation into the case? If so, have you been involved in assisting with the investigation?(Required)Yes, and I have assisted in the investigationYes, but I have not assisted in the investigationNo, there has been no investigationThe case has already been closedHave you been a victim of physical, mental or emotional abuse by a family member who is an American Citizen or Legal Permanent Resident? If so, by whom?(Required)SpouseSon > 21Daughter > 21MomDadI have not experienced abuseAre you legally married to a:(Required)American CitizenLegal Permanent ResidentI'm not legally marriedDo you live in common-law with:(Required)American CitizenLegal Permanent ResidentN/ACan you describe what happened with your family member?. Do you have evidences?(Required)Has anyone forced you to work against your will?(Required)YesNoHave you worked in U.S. and not been paid? Or have you been paid less than agreed?(Required)YesNoHas anyone held on your documents and ID in exchange for a job or a place to live?(Required)YesNoHave you reported your situation to the authorities?(Required)YesNoWhere's your Fiancee?(Required)In the U.S.In his/her country of originIn other countryHow long have you been dating?(Required)Has he/she ever been on a visa?(Required)YesNoHave you seen each other in the last 2 years? Explain.(Required)Does your Fiancee speak English?(Required)YesNoThe petitioner is an American Citizen or a Legal Permanent Resident?(Required)YesNoThe Beneficiary has Birth Certificates or a Marriage Certificate that prooves the relationship with the Petitioner?(Required)YesNoIs the Beneficiary in the U.S.?(Required)YesNoHave you received the approval of the I-130?(Required)YesNoHave you received the e-mail from the NVC (for beneficiary that is out of the U.S.)?(Required)YesNoN/AHow did you acquire conditional residency?(Required)Through marriageThrough a parentIf you acquired the conditional residency through a parent, were you subject to extreme cruelty by the parent?(Required)YesNoN/AIf you acquired the conditional residency through marriage, do you remain married?(Required)YesNoN/AIf you acquired the conditional residency through marriage, are you divorced or are you considering a divorce?(Required)YesNoN/AIf you acquired the conditional residency through marriage, are you living together?(Required)YesNoN/AHave you been subjected to cruelty by your spouse?(Required)YesNoN/AWould termination of your Legal Permanent Resident status and removal from the U.S. result in extreme hardship for you, How?(Required)CAPTCHA