Immigrant Can Earn Mexican Diplomas Through Catholic Charities

It’s hard to imagine but the Mexican government is helping to educate people right here in Tulsa.

Classes are being taught for immigrants on the campus of Tulsa’s Catholic Charities.

The program is called the Community Plaza.

Adults can earn diplomas from Mexico, for the elementary and middle school classes they didn’t complete as students in their native country.

Instructor Heidi Hernandez says finishing out their lower grades, will help get the immigrants ready for GED classes here in Tulsa.

Those classes are also offered at Catholic Charities through the Union School District.

When immigrants have their high school diplomas, it opens up more opportunities for them in this country.

The Community Plaza classes require two nights a week and a lot of homework, but Hernandez says the students are enthusiastic about the effort.

She also says it’s a good example for the student’s children, because they want their young people to stay in school.

The classes also offer an opportunity, for the Hispanic community to give something back.

That’s because the classes are based on volunteer help.

Hernandez says she’s looking forward, to seeing her students graduate and move on to their GED work.

She thinks many of them will end up making real contributions to this area.

Immigrant Can Earn Mexican Diplomas Through Catholic Charities | KTUL
