Modus launches new grocery delivery service for seniors in Tulsa

 Modus, a non-profit in Tulsa, announced the launch of a new service: Modus Delivers, the organization announced this week.

Modus, a non-profit in Tulsa, announced the launch of a new service: Modus Delivers, the organization announced this week.

Funded through an Innovation Grant from the Tulsa Area United Way, Modus Delivers was created as a way to delivery dignity and nutrition to homebound seniors.

Through Modus Delivers, volunteer drivers will deliver fresh groceries from the Catholic Charities food pantries to low-income seniors facing transportation barriers. The initial pilot program will deliver groceries to 50 individuals referred to Modus by LIFE Senior Services. These first program participants will receive a grocery delivery once each week for one year. 

“We are so excited about this opportunity to partner with Modus and Catholic Charities,” said LIFE Senior Services CEO Eileen Bradshaw. “We know there are many seniors in our community who are food insecure. For some, lack of transportation is a compounding factor: they can’t even get to a pantry to access help. This project will get nutritious food right to their doorsteps. I believe it will be so positive for both their physical and mental wellbeing.”

If you’re interested in getting involved, you can donate to the program through DonorBox or apply to volunteer at

Modus launches new grocery delivery service for seniors in Tulsa | Fox 23
