Way More Than Origami

Mickey’s take on a lemonade stand supports Catholic Charities.

Mickey, a parishioner of Christ the King Parish and student at Marquette, came to see us on his 1st day of summer to donate funds he raised by selling his own origami! He says his favorite thing to make is a sailboat. We’re now proud to have a Mickey original displayed on the shelves in our Accounts Receivable office. Mickey, handing off his ziplock bag, (notice the Chewbacca!), full of the cash he’d collected, said of his unique origami fundraiser, “I wanted to see if I could sell it, and make money and give it away…for people who actually need it.” It’s donors like Mickey, who choose to give of their time, talent, and treasure who enable us to be Christ’s merciful love to those who suffer. It’s way more than Origami! It’s Love Changing Lives.

Way More Than Origami
