Westside Alliance offers soccer scholarships to Afghan refugee children

The Islamic Society of TulsaWestside Alliance Soccer Club and Catholic Charities of Eastern Oklahoma partnered together to bring a special day to refugee children from Afghanistan and their families.

The Islamic Society of TulsaWestside Alliance Soccer Club and Catholic Charities of Eastern Oklahoma partnered together to bring a special day to refugee children from Afghanistan and their families.

On Saturday, Afghanistan children were invited to spend the day playing soccer at an indoor training center in Jenks.

The organizations wanted to bring a a sense of normalcy to the kids after a tough past year. Even some of the parents got in on the action.

“Tulsa has a lot of soccer teams that are very good here, especially very kind guys, very kind players, I love all of them and I am now in WSA soccer team,” said Azatuallah Haidari, who was the goalkeeper for Afghanistan’s under 17 national team. “That is very good, very kind guys, very kind people. I have very kind teammates, I’m very happy here.”

WSA is offering scholarships to any Afghan child that would like to play with their club.

Westside Alliance offers soccer scholarships to Afghan refugee children | News on 8 

