Extending Christ’s love to those in need through compassionate end-of-life care, when dying at home is not an option.
See what makes Porta Caeli House a “home away from home” for your loved one.
Porta Caeli House provides a home and compassionate care for the terminally ill and their loved ones, as well as a place of emotional, spiritual, and social support.
Porta Caeli House guests are served regardless of race, illness, faith or financial status. Services are provided at no charge.
Our mission is to provide an environment dedicated to helping achieve the highest quality of living throughout our guests’ last days. Each guest is provided with the following:
Our staff will care for your loved one 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You are welcome to assist with this care as much or as little as is comfortable.
Immediate family members and loved ones are welcome at Porta Caeli House at all times.
Each guest room is furnished with a comfortable twin size sleeper sofa so an adult family member can stay overnight if desired. A shower for family use is also available and is located near the north Great Room. All bedding, towels and toiletries are provided; simply ask one of our staff for any of these items.
Porta Caeli provides care just as a family would for a loved one. We are not a licensed medical facility, nursing home or hospice program.
For this reason, guests must be enrolled in a hospice program before being admitted to Porta Caeli House, and have a Do Not Resuscitate order (DNR) in place. The guest’s hospice program dictates the medical plan of care and other hospice services.
Porta Caeli House provides 24-hour, compassionate end-of-life care to guests and families from all walks of life.
Porta Caeli House is what is known as a “social model hospice home”. Social model hospice homes fill a critical gap which is unmet by state and government funding or private insurance, by providing loving care for the dying in the last month of life. Community-supported homes like Porta Caeli House are an extension of the guest’s home, providing 24-hour physical, spiritual and emotional support to the dying individual and their immediate circle.
Services are provided at no charge.
Porta Caeli House is not a licensed medical facility, nursing home, or hospice program. The guest’s hospice program dictates the medical care plan and other hospice services.
• Diagnosed as terminally ill, enrolled in a local participating hospice program, and has a life expectancy of one month or less
• Has a signed “Do Not Resuscitate” form
• Guest’s needs do not require care in a hospital or nursing setting, do not exceed Porta Caeli House capabilities
• Guest and designated family caregiver agree on a purpose of admission and plan of care, including length of stay
• Guest and/or loved ones behavior does not present a danger or is disruptive to self and/or others
• Guest weight cannot exceed 250 lbs.
Our purpose is neither to hasten death nor cause patients to linger unnecessarily when they are terminally ill. If a person can be fed, AND can benefit from feeding, it is morally obligatory to feed that person. This moral obligation takes precedence over the person’s advance directive that might otherwise refuse beneficial and life-sustaining feedings. Determination of benefit varies from case to case, and includes medical, personal, and spiritual benefit.
Withholding nutrition and hydration must never be the cause of death. For people within hours or days of unavoidable death, it is often true that they may not benefit from feeding, and the withholding of nutrition and hydration would not be the cause of death.
Port-uh Chay-lee Howse
Porta Caeli means “Gate of Heaven” in latin.
Since 2017, Porta Caeli House has shown Christ’s merciful love to guests and their families in a loving environment, enables dying with dignity, and helps to demonstrate within our community that dying is the natural conclusion of life on this earth, not something to be feared or avoided.
There are many emotional, physical and financial factors that enter into end-of-life care. There comes a point where not every family or caregiver can continue to meet these needs.
Hospitals, physicians, or hospices refer their patients to Porta Caeli House for palliative end-of-life care – in other words, care that neither hastens nor prolongs the last days of life. Porta Caeli House provides individual rooms, meals and personal care.
If you are suffering from the loss of a loved one and need support, please join us. You do not have to grieve alone.
Click here to see our informational brochure.
Professional referrals are available.
Each date is free to attend. No registration is required, but we would appreciate knowing beforehand if you plan to attend. Click here to let us know you’re coming!
March 21, 2025, from 2:30 pm to 4 pm
Peer Grief Support Group for Porta Caeli House is for individuals 18 and older. If grief support is needed for a child, please contact cbarzellone@cceok.org.
If you have questions, please contact cbarzellone@cceok.org.
Volunteers from all faiths and all backgrounds complete the Porta Caeli House family and contribute to our home in a variety of ways, from volunteering their time as professionals to simply providing comfort and companionship to Porta Caeli guests and their families.
Volunteers help us fulfill our mission of extending Christ’s love to those in need through compassionate end-of-life care, when dying at home is not an option.
Our volunteer opportunities include:
Bring them a meal
Help keep food on the tables at Porta Caeli House by volunteering to provide meals to our guests.
Sign up to bring lunch or dinner
Questions about volunteer opportunities?
Contact our volunteer coordinator at (918) 935-2604 or fill out the form below.
Porta Caeli House staff brings compassion and care to our home with a variety of backgrounds. They are united by their passion to help guests and families in their transition from this life.
You may contact us at (918) 935-2600 or fill out the form below and someone will contact you.
Porta Caeli House
2440 N. Harvard Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74115
(918) 935-2600
Porta Caeli House is located behind the Catholic Charities campus on North Harvard Avenue in Tulsa. Turn west off of Harvard onto St. James Way.
Porta Caeli House is 10 minutes from midtown, 7 minutes from downtown, and easily accessible from Tulsa’s major hospitals and easily highways.
Join our Facebook group at facebook.com/groups/portacaelihouse
The idea for Porta Caeli House grew from discussions following the closing of St. Joseph Residence, a home for HIV/AIDS patients that operated in conjunction with Catholic Charities from the late 1980s until 2010. Medical science and survival rates for HIV/AIDS patients increased, such that St. Joseph Residence and similar residences nationwide were no longer necessary. However, Catholic Charities began searching for another purpose similar to the St. Joseph Residence legacy, which centered on providing end-of-life care to those in need.
The aging population, the projected shortage of healthcare workers and individual and family economic situations indicated the need for Porta Caeli House. Proceeds from the sale of the St. Joseph Residence and the existing endowment were transferred to Porta Caeli House Corporation.
P.O. Box 580460.
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74158-0460
Fax: 918.582.2123
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