Coordinates the reception and transitional needs of refugees resettled by the US State Department for the first 90 days after arrival. Catholic Charities also provides Refugee Cash Assistance under the guidelines of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. If you have questions or feedback or are interested in housing or employing refugees, please email

Important Information

Since the 1970s, Catholic Charities has worked to fulfill Christ’s directive to “welcome the stranger” by helping refugees from around the world resettle in Tulsa. Although each refugee arrives with their own unique heritage, migration story and dreams, the goal is the same for all: attain self-sufficiency as soon as possible and become active, contributing members in their new communities. Catholic Charities provides the initial services and support to refugees on this path to success in their new home.

Regardless of the reason for becoming a refugee–war, political upheaval, well-founded fear of persecution, or natural disasters–all refugees are approved for resettlement after extensive background checks as part of the US Refugee Admissions Program. Most reufgees wait years, sometimes decades, after registering with the UNHCR to be assigned a country in whiche they can begin rebuilding their lives.

  1. Airport greeting
  2. Housing & basic furnishings
  3. Food
  4. Clothing
  5. Transportation
  6. Translations
  7. Orientation to new community & US culture
  8. Access to other community resources
  9. Coordination with other agencies for job training, employment and ESL classes
  10. Assistance with:
    1. Enrolling children in school
    2. Applying for Social Security card
    3. Arranging and transporting to initial health screenings* and medical appointments
    4. Setting up bank accounts and utilities

The United States has a long, proud history of welcoming refugees. There are more than 65 million refugees in the world today—more than at any other time in history—but only 1% will be given the opportunity to resettle in the United States.

Catholic Charities of Eastern Oklahoma works in partnership with the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) and in accordance with the policies specified and monitored by the US Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, who oversees the US Refugee Admissions Program.

Catholic Charities currently serves refugees from Russia, Burma (Myanmar), Afghanistan, Venezuela and the Ukraine.

We have volunteer opportunities for individual and groups:

  • Airport greeters
  • Cultural orientation teachers
  • Mentors
  • Drivers
  • Moving team
  • Interpreters
  • Office organizers
  • Co-sponsorship opportunities

This program is dependent on volunteer services and donated household items. If you would like to sign up for our newsletter, volunteer, or donate, please contact us at

Contact Refugee Resettlement

You may call us at (918) 508-7110 or fill out the form below and someone will contact you.

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