Survey: Small disasters: fire, etc.

This is a survey to gauge what services CC agencies offer for survivors of smaller disasters. Please only one response per agency. Thank you for your feedback!
This is a survey to gauge what services CC agencies offer for survivors of smaller disasters. Please only one response per agency. Thank you for your feedback!
YesNoStaff from other programs fulfill this function as needed.
YesNoOnly in rare cases
YesNoOnly in rare cases
5. What type of assistance do you provide to these smaller disasters?
0<10 a month11-50 a month>50 a month
YesNoNo, but funds from other programs are usedNot sure
8. Which of the following “disasters” has your agency responded to and assisted survivors?
9. Which of the following communication systems does your agency have in place for small disaster survivors to be able contact you with their needs?
YesNoNot sureDidn't know we could
<100,000100,001 - 250,000250,001 - 500,000500,001 - 1,000,000>1,000,000