Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have to be Catholic to receive services/work or volunteer at Catholic Charities?

No! We welcome all who come to our door, without regard for race, nationality, creed or religion; approximately 85% of those we serve are not Catholic.

We are proud to have many generous donors and volunteers from many faiths. The important thing is we work together as a community to help those in need in Eastern Oklahoma.

How do I receive a tax receipt for my donation?

We mail tax receipts by January 31st each year. If you did not receive one or need another copy, please email Yvonne Eubank at or call (918) 508-7119.

I donate to the Diocese of Tulsa’s Faith and Works Annual Appeal. How much of that donation comes to Catholic Charities.

Many people are surprised to learn that we do not receive funds from the Diocese of Tulsa’s Faith and Works Annual Appeal.

Where can I donate my used clothing?

Gently used clothing is accepted at our Bartlesville, McAlester and Sallisaw locations. Our Muskogee locations accepts clothing and supplies for infants and young children.

