“Car Guy” Steve Hanlon named National Volunteer of the Year

Catholic Charities USA announced that Steve Hanlon of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, has been named Volunteer of the Year for 2020.

Catholic Charities USA announced that Steve Hanlon of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, has been named Volunteer of the Year for 2020. Independent Catholic Charities agencies across the U.S. nominate candidates for the award from nearly 300,000 volunteers. For the past 12 years, Hanlon has coordinated a car care ministry for residents of Madonna House and St. Elizabeth Lodge. Hanlon works directly with residents to coordinate necessary car repairs to get them back on the road to jobs, classes, group sessions, and other important off-campus activities. While Hanlon’s ministry officially happens just once a month, he spends countless hours finding supplies, recruiting volunteers, maintaining records, and ensuring funding. He can often be found working on a resident’s car in the parking lot of CCEOK whenever issues pop up between monthly car clinic dates. “We are blessed with great volunteers like Steve Hanlon, whose commitment to serving those in need truly exemplifies how love changes lives,” said Deacon Kevin Sartorius, CEO. “We are grateful to Steve for helping Catholic Charities of Eastern Oklahoma fulfill our mission to be Christ’s merciful love to those who suffer.” The national award for volunteerism, given annually since 1998, is granted to an individual who embodies the mission of Catholic Charities to provide critical services to those in need, advocate for justice in social structures and call the entire Church and other people of goodwill to do the same.
